English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary For CSS and PMS With Meanings PDF

English Vocabulary For CSS and PMS With Meanings PDF

English Vocabulary For CSS and PMS With Meanings PDF will help you to prepare competitive exams like CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, PTS, UPSC IAS, IELTS, GRE, TOEFL and others. In English Vocabulary For CSS Each word here is available with Urdu meanings and sentences of daily use. English Vocabulary

Word Meaning Sentence
Skeptical شبہ I was skeptical when the doctor suggested I try massage for my headaches, but it really helped.
Unsubstantiated غیر مصدقہ All his allegations against the secretary were unsubstantiated.
Onus ذمہ داری Being a leader is difficult because in this position one must bear the onus of making decisions for a group of people.
Paucity کمی  -قلت Although the government claims the unemployment rate is decreasing, there is still a paucity of jobs available.
Steady مستحکم Could you hold the ladder steady while I climb up?
Pertinent مناسب The politician promised to answer all questions which were pertinent to his campaign promises.
Erect کھڑا کرنا A statue was erected in his name because of the many positive contributions he made to the city.
Abstinence پرہیز After two weeks of abstinence from unhealthy foods, Sophia started to feel fitter.
Unfurl لہرانا We watched the soldiers respectfully unfurling the American flag.
Tentative عارضی Due to the storm, the plane’s arrival time is tentative.
Truncate چھانٹنا  -کاٹنا  -تراشنہ Jill had to truncate her presentation so it would not exceed five minutes.
Brink دہانے  -کنارہ The US economy is on the brink of a recession.
Prudent محتاط  -ہوشیار As parents, we must teach our children to make prudent choices about their futures.
Tremor جھٹکے I thought it was either an earth tremor or an extremely low flying aircraft.
Baneful نقصان دہ After years of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, John was diagnosed with cancer and realized the baneful result of smoking.
Atrophy کمزور پڑتا According to researchers, the lack of exercise causes muscles to atrophy and become feeble.
Imbecile کم ذہن انسان When Alan gets drunk, he starts to act like an imbecile.
Retain برقرار رکھنا If you want to retain your self-respect, you should not put yourself in an unbecoming position.
Ersatz قائم مقام ۔ متبادل The jeweler immediately noticed the flaws in the ersatz diamond.
Clemency معافی In their letter to the governor, the victim’s family asked him not to give clemency to their son’s murderer.
Nascent ابتدائی  -پیدا ہونے والا Online dating has gone from a nascent idea to an established concept that helps millions of people find love.
Carouse کھل کے شراب پینا On Fridays many of the workers carouse at the neighborhood bar and grill.


Lascivious فحش  -شہوت پرست She wore a lascivious dress, which attracted the attention of almost every man she passed
Incendiary آگ لگانےوالا As a highly strategic politician, he is known to pepper his speeches with incendiary language to arouse his listeners’ emotions.
Obliterate ختم کرنا  -مٹانا If the hurricane hits the city directly, it will completely obliterate the town and leave nothing standing.
Wizened مرجھایا ہوا My grandmother’s wizened face broke into a smile when I placed my newborn daughter in her arms.
Vitreous کانچ کی طرح- سبز شیشے کا The lake was so calm that it looked vitreous in the pre-dawn light.
Vacuous لا حاصل -کھوکھلا The interviewer could tell by the candidate’s vacuous comments that he was not qualified for the position.
Vendetta خاندانی دشمنی  -قبائلی جھگڑا No one remembers how the vendetta between the families began, but it will only end when the desire for revenge is not heeded.
Umbrage ناراضگی I had tried to phrase it politely, but he still took umbrage at my question.